Sunday, August 22, 2004

Baby germs!

Did you know that if you touch or hold a baby, you have baby germs for up to 2 hours? And those baby germs can be spread through touching? And that 8 year old boys are allergic to baby germs? And that 3rd graders know how to tell time and won't let you touch them for a whole two hours after holding a baby, just so you won't give them baby germs?

And babies aren't just newborns and infants; babies include toddlers and small three year olds.

And baby germs can turn a 3rd grader into a green-eyed monster, full of jealousy if Mom gets baby germs.

I explained to my 3rd grader that I will always love him, but that I love to hold and play with babies, too. And that no matter how many babies I touch, the love I have for him will cancel out all the baby germs in the world. He's not buying it, yet...

1 comment:

5xBlessed said...

Welcome to the blog world! The jealousy kind of cute in a way. I mean someday maybe they won't care at all...