Saturday, August 21, 2004

A week later

One week down, 35 to go. 3rd grade got off to a great start in spite of the newly implemented no t.v. / no video games during the week rule. A couple of complaints of "I'm bored" and "There's nothing to do" but he found something to do without me having to entertain him. That's what little brothers are for.

Bubbles on the back porch; board games in the playroom; and Walt Disney World in the living room. The boys figured out how to work together and play together.

I'm most excited about his desire to read. After bed time the other night, he was sitting by his door where just a little light was coming in through the crack, and he had Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone out. I asked what he was doing, and he replied, "You know, I'm in 3rd grade, so reading's gonna be my thing now."

We're reading every day. He's reading the Boxcar Children to me, and I'm reading A Series of Unfortunate Events to him. We want to see the movie this fall, but before we do, we have to read the books. We finished the Austere Academy (#5) today.

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