Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Last Day of Summer Vacation

Our winter break has been so great and even though we were out of school for just over two weeks, it felt longer - but in a good way. In a way that felt like going back to school today was much like the first day of school after summer vacation.

We spent some time at the beach over New Years so perhaps that adds to our feeling of summer vacation vs. winter holidays. Christmas Day seems ages ago even though the Christmas Tree is still up in the living room. We've decided it gives off enough light that we can leave it up all year and use it as a lamp. Or not.


Family Adventure said...

LOL - I assume your tree is not...ahem....living?!?!

Our Xmas stuff is all down, and honestly, it felt good to declutter. But there is something special about lights on a tree - I miss that glow :)


Cindy D. said...

Yeah, it's an artificial 9-ft pre-lit tree - we got it new this year. It's so pretty.