Sunday, November 14, 2004

A two-wheeler

"Guess what your son did," is how 3rdGradeDad greeted me as I came in the door yesterday afternoon. Oh no - that usually means someone's hurt or something's broken. A quick look around the house didn't show anything out of place, beyond the usual, that is, so I was curious.

"He rode his bike by himself down the street and back, twice."

Woo-hoo! We've been waiting for the day when he would be interested in riding his bike. He's had it for a year now, and the training wheels came off about 8 months ago when he asked to take them off. Since then the bike has been collecting cobwebs.

Today he took me outside to show me that he can ride. He still needs some help getting on and balanced, but then he can go. And he's still learning how to brake to stop, but hey! He's riding!

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