Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Lost... and found!!!

Before our 3rd grader was born, the women at our church gave us a hand-made quilt for him. The quilt has been a part of his entire life, providing warmth, comfort, protection for him.

And then in May, we realized it was lost :( Gone. Nowhere to be found.

Retracing our steps, the last place we remembered seeing it was on a family trip to Walt Disney World in March. Checking with them, we found that we were too late to reclaim the quilt if we had, indeed, left it there.

We were hopeful that perhaps it was at Grandma and Granddad's in Kentucky, but it didn't turn up there, either.


But all was not lost... Imagine the joy we all felt when 3rdGradeDad felt something weird in the foot of his sleeping bag last Saturday, and instead of being something gross, it was the quilt!


All is well.

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