Thursday, April 26, 2007

Middle School doesn't seem so scary after all

In the fall, I have to change the title of this blog because while we'll be continuing our adventures as grade school parents, we'll be embarking on a new role - parents of a middle schooler! Yep, folks, that's right - we're off to middle school in August.

Tonight was the parent orientation. We toured the 6th grade hall where they assured us that they don't assign top lockers to the short kids, encouraged us to teach our children how to use a combination lock, and understand that 4 minutes to get from one end of the hall to the other while stopping at your locker is really doable!

We got to meet the principal and both assistant principals, discuss the dress code (boys, your pants have to be up, we don't want to see your underwear, and shirts with sleeves are safe options), and see the cafeteria and media center. We met the teachers for the core areas (math, science, world-geography, language arts, computer/creative writing) and the electives (P.E., art, band, chorus, dance (or was it drama?), and research).

I thought I'd be anxious about the beginning of middle school, but after going over today and seeing things first-hand and talking with the teachers and administration, I am actually excited about it. I think it will be a wonderful experience and know that our soon-to-be-middle-schooler will have a world of opportunity ahead of him... and I can't wait to experience it with him!

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