Last night, my 3rd grader was reading
The Boxcar Children #3 when he stopped and asked me a question.
"Mama, what's a station wagon?"
I hesitated and then told him to go ask his Dad; I didn't want 3rdGradeDad to miss out on this classic question.
It got me to thinking about how much we take for granted that we know from our own childhood and experiences, yet our children don't know because they are growing up in a different time. I remember riding in the way-back seat of our neighbor's white station wagon, facing backwards with my friends while the window was rolled down. I remember joking around about station wagons with wood paneling - the ultimate car you didn't want your parents to own.
Now it's all about SUVs and mini-vans and pick-up trucks with four doors.
By the way, I did answer my son's question; we did what any parent would do - we looked it up online. If you haven't looked at station wagons in a while, there are some classic models in the gallery at